EITO confirmed in October the predicted sales increase in information technology, telecommunications and entertainment electronics for the first time to 160.5 billion Euro.itk-markt-dtland2

According to Bitkom with this the growth forecast of 1.7 percent would get implemented for the German market. In the current year there will be established at least another 20.000 new workplaces by enterprises of the Bitkom industry. Thereby the ICT sector with 1.030.000 employees will be Germany’s second largest industrial employer after mechanical engineering.

bitkom-itk-marktdaten-september-2016At present the information technology belongs to the growth driver, which can add 3.6 percent on 84 billion Euro. Sales of software provider increase at 6.2 percent and represent therewith 21.6 billion Euro.

Revenues in IT services are rising by 2.7 percent to 38.2 billion Euro.

The compendium „Germany – Excellence in Big Data“, released by the digital association Bitkom together with the Smart Data Forum and Germany Trade & Invest, characterizes Germany with best requirements to become a leading location for data-oriented business models in the international competition. A study of Bitkom Research and KPMG revealed that well a third (35 percent) of enterprises in Germany already use Big Data for evaluations of large data amounts.

Source: Bitkom


Bitkom – press release